Visual management
Make it easy to make the right choice, show a clear target, create a space to think
Lean leadership means achieving your goals by developing people, teaching them to create more value and learn to eliminate waste
Make it easy to make the right choice, show a clear target, create a space to think
There are two ways of looking at this: one, applying lean thinking to the sales function, or two, increasing sales with lean. As I don’t know much about selling, I’ll tackle the latter – how can lean boost sales without […]
What’s the difference between Gemba or gentchi genbutsu? The real question is: What do we go to the Gemba to do?
Observe, orient, decide and act! Obeya is about better observation and discussion for better decisions.
Do I need a Lean sensei? The sensei gets you to learn what you need to learn, not what you want to learn.
Andon is about a commitment to standard work.
Seventeen years ago, when I first saw a Toyota sensei come to a supplier, he went to a workstation in front of the assembled executive group, and watched the operator work for about ten minutes, before moving a box of […]