First find a leader, then think about flow


This is probably the best example of kaizen I’ve ever seen so far:

A few deep thoughts to think about:

They don’t show you how to find a solution to the problem, they first tell you about George, his will to improve and his leadership skills. Lean is people-centric: whatever solution we’ll come up will be developed with the people on the ground: first find a leader.

Then they look at obvious waste, such as too-large boxes, which is, I believe, one of the most amazing skills – not sure I’d have thought of that one myself, but then again, any obvious waste gets the thinking started.

And then they look at the flow: there’s always a way to

  • Make the work flow better
  • Make people’s job easier by flowing work more smoothly (less obstacles, steps, waiting, checking, rework, etc.)

Go through the homework list with the people and then… think of next steps and do it again!

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