• Ten signs you respect me as an employee

    Lean thinking essentially means constantly looking for ways to increase customer value by decreasing waste caused to the customer by our own processes. It means constantly looking for ways employees can increase the value they contribute by eliminating wasteful work […]

  • Visual management

    Visual management

    Make it easy to make the right choice, show a clear target, create a space to think

  • How can lean boost sales?

    There are two ways of looking at this: one, applying lean thinking to the sales function, or two, increasing sales with lean. As I don’t know much about selling, I’ll tackle the latter – how can lean boost sales without […]

  • Lean Thinking still gets it right

    After practicing Lean for 20 years, first as a researcher, then as a workshop consultant, then in building large corporate programs with Freddy and now as a CEO coach, I’ve been reflecting on how I approach lean – particularly since, […]

  • How can we improve productivity

    How can we improve productivity

    What is the point of making people work harder or longer if you don’t have more demand

  • Standard Work

    Standard Work

    Basic job elements + basic skills + deep knowledge + kaizen

  • Gemba or Genchi Genbutsu?

    Gemba or Genchi Genbutsu?

    What’s the difference between Gemba or gentchi genbutsu? The real question is: What do we go to the Gemba to do?

  • Everything you need to know about the Obeya

    Everything you need to know about the Obeya

    Observe, orient, decide and act! Obeya is about better observation and discussion for better decisions.

  • Do I need a Sensei?

    Do I need a Sensei?

    Do I need a Lean sensei? The sensei gets you to learn what you need to learn, not what you want to learn.

  • What is Andon?

    What is Andon?

    Andon is about a commitment to standard work.